Marilyn Brodwick

Manager of Photo Journalism, Editing and Connectivity
Marilyn has assisted thinkbaby and thinksport since its inception in various capacities, including product photography, editing, and trade shows. This has been a perfect match for her in that she has a had a long standing interest in health and the environment.
She attended UC Berkeley and UCLA and received a B.A. in Psychology. She then completed her M.S. in Preventive Medicine and Community Health at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, Texas. Her major was Epidemiology and her thesis was on aspects of breast feeding. For approximately 30 years she worked at UTMB in Preventive Medicine and for the Sealy Center on Aging. She engaged in research and community work.
UTMB has published two volumes of photos of the elderly, Faces of Aging I and II. Her work is in permanent museum collections, including the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. She says photographing baby bottles is much harder than photographing people!