Influencer Program

Are you passionate about you and your family’s health and wellness? We are looking for amazing humans to join our brand ambassador program! If you are a content creator and align with our core values – we want to talk to you! If you love skincare then you qualify to join the Think Influencer Program!

Brand Values

Think Ambassadors





Join a community of like-minded individuals with which to grow and collaborate. Receive free product in exchange for social media posts. Receive invites to our exclusive THINK events. Get reposted on the official @gothinkco social media, giving you more exposure and helping you expand your network.


Q: Who can become a Think ambassador?

A: If you are a content creator, align with our core values and live the “Think lifestyle” you are eligible to become a Think ambassador.  

Q: How will I know if I’ve been accepted into the ambassador program?

A: We send accepted applicants a welcome email notifying them of their new ambassador status 

Q: What are the benefits of being in the ambassador program?

A: As a brand ambassador, you’ll have the opportunity to receive free product in exchange for showing us some love on social media, opportunities for exposure on Think social media channels, plus you’ll get to join a community to grow and collaborate with!  

Q: How often are THINK boxes sent to ambassadors?

A: We send out monthly boxes to our US ambassadors; however, we like to rotate recipients, so everyone gets turn! When deciding who gets a box send, we like to reward the ambassadors who share the most love about us on their social accounts! Conversely, ambassadors who do not post will eventually be removed from our shipping lists for inactivity.